Saidham Schools

Saidham Schools aspire to be the very best amongst schools at no cost to parents. In addition to education, they provide over 2000 children with food, clothing, study material, sports facilities, health care, excursions, free skill development with job placement, facilitating social well-being through mass marriage assistance, and empowering women with opportunities in 4 states across India.

The future of a nation depends on its children and Saidham’s vision is to provide every child with access to good education, nutritious food, and appropriate health care.

Improving educational opportunities for resource-poor communities is of paramount importance and has the capacity to enable all-round progress. One of Saidham’s core belief is educating and empowering children with life skills, so as to evolve stable and healthy families of the future. The schools are an initiative of Shirdi Sal Baba Temple Society and its founder Dr. Motilal Gupta.

Saidham aims to transform the fundamental aspects of primary education. It believes in partnerships and promotes collaboration between international agencies, the Government of India, state governments and numerous nonprofits and NGOs. By working together, universal primary education would become a reality in India.